Aptitude/ Interest Assessment

1:1 Comprehensive Consulting
All grades and ages

We help you identify your aptitude and interest through assessments for career planning and exploration.

We use assessments to help discover your unique aptitudes, talents, and interests. Check out the tools to see how your aptitudes match your possible major choices, career opportunities, and the best pathways to get there.

Aptitude is a natural strength, while interests can evolve and develop when exposed to different environments or influences. Particularly in rapidly changing environments today, adolescents often experience shifts in their interests or find it challenging to identify their areas of interest. Recently, it has become more common for many college students to change their majors.
We offer assessments for aptitude and interest, personality, and learning style to help individuals identify their strengths and areas of interest. We review the results and discuss how to navigate major choices or post-graduate career paths.

For Middle and High School Students

We collect information from multiple sources for middle and school students to help them navigate learning opportunities and advise them on extracurricular activities. Instead of engaging in numerous activities without purpose, we advise choosing and participating with a clear sense of purpose and direction for the students and for them to contribute to their community.

Assessment tools include aptitude and interest tests, learning styles, personality assessments, and LinkedIn searches.

For College, Graduate Students, and Adults

For college and graduate students or young professionals preparing for new employment or career transition, we introduce innovative open-source courses that allow them to simulate their desired workplaces and train in advance to develop their competencies. Additionally, we explore ways to connect one’s major and career through the analysis of LinkedIn, one of the largest career network platforms in the United States.

We assist in strategically preparing for resumes and interviews to highlight one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Assessment tools include aptitude and interest tests, learning styles, personality assessments, LinkedIn searches, and career simulations.

As a student who was lost and overwhelmed by the unbearable amount of essays I had to write, I am very grateful to have met Dr. Laird during the most crucial time of my high school career. For the excellent support, guidance, shared knowledge, and confidence she has given me.

Erin P. in Seoul, Korea. Got Accepted at Rhode Island School of Design, 2022

We are here to help!

We can consult and help you find the best solution on various topics. Please contact us now!

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