Essay Package
Students can express authentic voices and true characters in their essays. We are here to make it happen with a systematic process.

Your Own Story, Your Own Voices, Your Own Writing.
We help students present their most authentic voices in their unique stories. We provide a step-by-step process to start brainstorming, find their stories and characteristics, build and review drafts, and finally polish their essays.
Through a one-on-one brainstorming meeting, we provide thorough feedback with examples and monitor their progress on writing.
Collaborating with our own essay experts with publishing and award-winning credentials, we guide students to enjoy writing stress-free and improve research skills to answer each prompt of their respective college. We review students’ essays and help with final editing and completion. The usual response time is within 24-48 hours.
This package includes up to 10 college essays, including Personal Statement (Common App, Coalition, or institutional platform) and supplementary essays regardless of word limit. It is exclusively essay support.
Song Laird's essay revision system was top notch. I was able to tell a cohesive and engaging story for each prompt. With Dr. Laird’s counsel, I got into 10 out of 12 schools, including my top 2 choices, and I will attend the University of Notre Dame in the fall.
Frederick, TN, University of Notre Dame
We are here to help!
We can consult and help you find the best solution on various topics. Please contact us now!